The Origin of Wàzi UK

The Origin of Wàzi UK

The Backstory...

One shaky New Years morning in 2021 the idea of a funky bamboo sock company called Wàzi UK was conceived. 

Slightly emboldened by the celebrations of the ensuing night we were knocking various ideas back and forth with the hopes of eternal success. Upon awaking, and feeling much less brazen, we attempted to piece together what had happened over the course of the night and stumbled across a video of a mostly inaudible conversation.

Within this video were the beginnings of our plans to create a sock company that offered some funky and niche designs combined with the comfort of the acclaimed bamboo material. Aside from the copious amount of inappropriate lip given towards a certain cotton brand (of which will not be named @happysocks, oops), whose socks require purchasing a second mortgage just to afford, and the disappointment at the lack of truly inventive designs amongst the bamboo brands we realised within this choatic video there was a gap in the market that we could do our best to fill. 

We both decided such an idea would most defintely require a good nights sleep, a coffee, and the rich knowledge and deep investment of a Dragon's Den tycoon. Unfortunately lacking the latter, we sipped our coffee on a bleak and wet morning in January and formed a business plan to brighten up the coming days of lockdown terror. 

What follows is our continued adventure of trial and error, a close shave with the logo police, and quite possibly the amount of time Jesus spent in the desert coming up with a name for the business...

Thanks for your time folks,

Team Wàzi UK




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